
Consultant, UX/UI designer, & artist in Oakland, CA.

Creating great products is my passion. Pleasing clients, customers, and coworkers through a dynamic skill set, always focused to make the end use more meaningful and personal. Able to thrive in leading small teams and projects but also work extremely well independently. Currently, seeking employers & projects that align with my core values and create real change in the lives of customers and communities at large.

UX/UI Projects & Work

This site was built to showcase my current work from the UX/UI course at UC Berkeley Extension from 2021 including mobile app building and site redesigns, click on each project to learn about each one more in depth


Photography is a huge joy for me, I’m always looking to be inspired and share the inspiration in visual formats

Fine Art, Product Design & Commissions

From prints to products, digital collage techniques lend themselves to endless product capabilities of my own design

Current Location

Oakland, CA